Shadow Water by Ray Dimakkari Dixon
Mudbarra Man, Ray Dixon, has returned with his eponymous second solo project, following the success of his debut, Standing Strong Mudbarra Man, which garnered critical acclaim and a nomination for the National Indigenous Music [...]
Newboys Band’s Triumphant Second EP
Hailing from the remote Arlparra community in the NT, the unstoppable force that is Newboys Band have triumphantly returned with their second EP, Cheater. Following the success of their self-titled debut release, this explosive [...]
Nguku Festival 2023: A Celebration of Water
The second annual Nguku festival took place in Elliot in the last week of September. This gathering was initiated in 2022 as a collaborative project between Arid Lands Environment Care and Barkly Regional Arts, with [...]
Desert Harmony Festival 2023 Comes to a Close
Emma Donovan performing at the Variety Spectacular As Desert Harmony Festival 2023: Kunjuku, Anyinginyi, Jangarlki Kapi Kaminya Palpuru; Respect, Identity and Healing, comes to a successful close, we look back on a weekend of sharing [...]
Artists of Barkly celebrate ‘Spinifex Country’ at Japingka Gallery
Bush Medicine at the Swamp, Agnes Rubuntja, 2023 “After the bushfires, when we go hunting, we see black. Then the rain comes and the snappy gums turn green and all the flowers and bush [...]
Ankkinyi Apparr, Ankkinyi Mangurr collection acquired by AIATSIS
In 1966 Linguist Prithvindra Chakravarti came to Warumungu country to meet local people and study Warumungu language. Funded by the Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies (AIAS, now AIATSIS), Chakravarti made audio recordings of Apparr [...]